Chem. J. Chinese Universities ›› 2018, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (7): 1554.doi: 10.7503/cjcu20170838
• Polymer Chemistry • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHOU Ying, WANG Xianliu, YI Bingcheng, YU Zhepao, YANG Shangying, SHEN Yanbing, ZHANG Yanzhong*()
ZHANG Yanzhong
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ZHOU Ying, WANG Xianliu, YI Bingcheng, YU Zhepao, YANG Shangying, SHEN Yanbing, ZHANG Yanzhong. Engineering Shape Memory Enabled Composite Nanofibers for Bone Tissue Engineering†[J]. Chem. J. Chinese Universities, 2018, 39(7): 1554.
Fig.1 SEM micrographs(A—C) and diameter distributions(D—F) of the electrospun pure PLCL fibers(A, D), PLCL/HAp composite fibers(B, E) and PLCL/HAp/Col composite fibers(C, F)
Fig.2 FTIR(A) and XRD(B) analysis of HAp(a), Col(b), electrospun pure PLCL fibers(c), PLCL/HAp composite fibers(d) and PLCL/HAp/Col composite fibers(e)
Fig.4 TG(A) and DTG(B) analysis of HAp(a), Col(b), the electrospun pure PLCL fibers(c), PLCL/HAp composite fibers(d) and PLCL/HAp/Col composite fibers(e)
Fig.5 Typical tensile stress-strain curves(A), tensile strength(B), Young’s modulus(C) and strain at break(D) of the electrospun pure PLCL fibers(a), PLCL/HAp(b) and PLCL/HAp/Col composite fibers(c) at room temperature^ n>6 for each type. *P<0.05; **P<0.01.
Fig.7 Three-dimensional shape memory stress-strain-temperature data of the electrospun pure PLCL fibers(A), PLCL/HAp(B) and PLCL/HAp/Col composite fibers(C)
Fig.11 Fluorescence staining of rBMSCs on different scaffolds for 4 d(A1—D1) and 7 d(A2—D2)^(A1, A2) TCP; (B1, B2) PLCL; (C1, C2) PLCL/HAp; (D1, D2) PLCL/HAp/Col. The F-actin(red) and nuclei(blue) of cells were stained by Rhodamine-phalloidin and DAPI, respectively.
Fig.13 Quantitative measurements of ALP(A) and Col(B) products of rBMSCs attached onto electrospun fibrous TCPs(a), PLCL(b), PLCL/HAp(c) and PLCL/HAp/Col(d) after 14 d of culture^ *P< 0.05; **P< 0.01.
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