Chem. J. Chinese Universities ›› 2018, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (4): 832.doi: 10.7503/cjcu20170384
• Polymer Chemistry • Previous Articles
GAO Feilong, LI Yongcun*(), LUAN Yunbo*(), XUE Zhicheng, GUO Zhangxin, ZHANG Qi, WU Guiying
LI Yongcun,LUAN Yunbo;
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GAO Feilong, LI Yongcun, LUAN Yunbo, XUE Zhicheng, GUO Zhangxin, ZHANG Qi, WU Guiying. Enhancement Mechanisms of Mechanical and Self-Healing Properties of Thermoplastic Polyurethane Composites Induced by Different G-CNT Hybridization Systems†[J]. Chem. J. Chinese Universities, 2018, 39(4): 832.
Fig.1 SEM images of G/TPU(A, A'), G/TPU+CNT/TPU(B, B'), G-CNT/TPU(C, C ') and G+CNT/TPU(D, D') with grapheme sheets(A), mechanical(B), ultrasonic(C) and pre-composite(D)(A')-(D') SEM images after loading and breaking.
Fig.3 Mesoscopic model diagram and interface load transfer mechanism diagram of four kinds of TPU compositesRepresent representative elements of five kind of TPU materials: (A) pure TPU; (B) G/TPU; (C) G/TPU+CNT/TPU; (D) G-CNT/TPU; (E) G+CNT/TPU. Represent deformable diagram of four kinds of TPU composites under external load; (F) G/TPU; (G) G/TPU+CNT/TPU; (H) G-CNT/TPU; (I) G+CNT/TPU. Represent deformable diagram of half of the RVE model of four kinds of TPU composites under external load: (J) G/TPU; (K) G/TPU+CNT/TPU; (L) G-CNT/TPU; (M) G+CNT/TPU. Represent partial enlarged drawing of interface morphologies of four kinds of TPU composites: (N) G/TPU; (O) G/TPU+CNT/TPU; (P) G-CNT/TPU; (Q) G+CNT/TPU.
Fig.5 Tensile strength of different TPU composites before and after microwave healinga. Pure TPU; b. G/TPU; c. G/TPU+CNT/TPU; d. G-CNT/TPU; e. G+CNT/TPU.
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