Chem. J. Chinese Universities ›› 2017, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (12): 2328.doi: 10.7503/cjcu20170258
• Polymer Chemistry • Previous Articles Next Articles
BAO Yan1,2,*(), GAO Min1,2, DONG Yufei1, KANG Qiaoling1, GAO Zhipeng1, WU Guodong1, LI Yan1
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BAO Yan, GAO Min, DONG Yufei, KANG Qiaoling, GAO Zhipeng, WU Guodong, LI Yan. Fabrication of Hollow TiO2 Spheres and Effect on Properties of Polyacrylate Film†[J]. Chem. J. Chinese Universities, 2017, 38(12): 2328.
Fig.4 SEM images of hollow TiO2 spheres using PS microspheres with different particle sizes as templatesParticle size/nm: (A) 40; (B) 140; (C) 190; (D) 270; (E) 350.
Fig.6 SEM images of hollow TiO2 spheres with different contents of ammonium hydroxide Content of ammonium hydroxide/mmol: (A) 0; (B) 34; (C) 68; (D) 136; (E) 272.
Fig.9 Light reflectivities of PS spheres, PS/TiO2 spheres and hollow TiO2 spheres(A) and their composite films(B)a. PS spheres; b. PS/TiO2 spheres; c. hollow TiO2 spheres; d. pure polyacrylate film.
Fig.10 Thermal conductivities of PS spheres, PS/TiO2 spheres, hollow TiO2 spheres(A) and their composite films(B)a. PS spheres; b. PS/TiO2 spheres; c. hollow TiO2 spheres; d. pure polyacrylate film.
Fig.12 Light reflectivities of hollow TiO2 spheres using PS microspheres with different particle sizes as templates(A) and their composite films(B)a—e. hollow TiO2 spheres using PS microspheres of 40 nm, 140 nm, 190 nm, 270 nm, 350 nm as templates and their composite films, respectively; f. pure polyacrylate film.
Fig.13 Thermal conductivities of hollow TiO2 spheres using PS microspheres with different particle sizes as templates(A) and their composite films(B)a—e. Hollow TiO2 spheres using PS microspheres of 40, 140, 190, 270 and 350 nm as templates and their composite films, respectively; f. pure PA.
Fig.14 Light transmittance(A) and mechanical properties(B) of composite films containing hollow TiO2 spheres using PS microspheres with different particle sizes as templatesa—e. Composite films containing hollow TiO2 spheres using PS microspheres of 40, 140, 190, 270 and 350 nm as templates, respectively; f. pure PA.
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