Chem. J. Chinese Universities ›› 2017, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (10): 1841.doi: 10.7503/cjcu20170065

• Physical Chemistry • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effect of Y2O3 Supporter on the Catalytic Hydrogen Production from an Aqueous Formaldehyde Solution Catalyzed by Metal Cu Loaded on Y2O3

TIAN Yi, LI Yuexiang*(), PENG Shaoqin   

  1. College of Chemistry, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, China
  • Received:2017-01-26 Online:2017-10-10 Published:2017-09-22
  • Contact: LI Yuexiang
  • Supported by:
    † Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.21563019, 21366022), the Open Project Program of State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering(No.CRE-2016-C-102) and the Nature Science Foundation of the Jiangxi Province, China(No.20151BAB203013)


Nano metal Cu was loaded on Y2O3 by NaBH4 reduction method. The sample was characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS), transmission electron microscopy(TEM) and adsorption measurement of OH- on Y2O3 and Cu. The results show that there is a thin layer of Y(OH)3 on the surface of Y2O3, which can preferentially adsorb OH-, that is, “enrichment” of OH- on Y2O3; metal Cu was loaded on Y2O3 in the form of nano particles. The performance of Cu supported on Y2O3(Cu/Y2O3) catalyst was investigated in alkaline formaldehyde solution. The results show that under low alkalinity, Cu/Y2O3 exhibits higher activity for hydrogen production than unloaded nano metal Cu. When the concentration of NaOH is 0.050 mol/L, the hydrogen amount produced over Cu/Y2O3 is 7.8 times as high as that over nano Cu under N2 atmosphere, whereas the former is 4.3 times as high as the latter under air atmosphere. The optimal NaOH concentration for hydrogen production over Cu/Y2O3 is 0.25 mol/L under both atmospheres. The results can be attributed to “enrichment” effect of OH- on Y2O3, leading to production of the higher concentration of active CH2(OH)O-(formaldehyde anion) species on Y2O3. The stability of Cu/Y2O3 is improved compared with that of unloaded nano Cu. The reason is that the load of Cu on Y2O3 prevents growth of Cu particles during the reaction.

Key words: Formaldehyde, Hydrogen production, Load of Cu, Y2O3, Enrichment of OH-

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