Chem. J. Chinese Universities ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (8): 20220155.doi: 10.7503/cjcu20220155

• Polymer Chemistry • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Flocculation of Fillers in Isoprene Rubber and Its Effects on Properties

ZHANG Zhicai1,2, WANG Yuge1,2, GU Qianqian1,2, LYU Yongpeng1,2, XIAO Jianshu1,2, YIN Yuan1,2, SUN Hongguo1,2, ZHENG Yafang1,2, SUN Zhaoyan1,2()   

  1. 1.State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry,Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun 130022,China
    2.University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,China
  • Received:2022-03-09 Online:2022-08-10 Published:2022-04-17
  • Contact: SUN Zhaoyan
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China(21790344)


The vulcanization process has a significant impact on the filler flocculation in isoprene rubber and its corresponding properties. By changing the vulcanization temperature and vulcanization time, the flocculation processes of fillers in carbon black, silica, and carbon black/silica mixed filler systems were compared, and the influences on its static and dynamic properties were investigated. In order to analyze the contribution of the chemical crosslinked network to the filler flocculation process, the flocculation processes of crosslinked and uncrosslinked systems with the same process at different temperatures and times were compared. In the crosslinked system, the Payne effect mainly comes from the contribution of the filler network and the chemical crosslinked network, while in the uncrosslinked system, the Payne effect mainly comes from the contribution of the filler network. The results demonstrate that the formation of the chemical crosslinked network limits the flocculation of fillers to a certain extent. Therefore, with the increase of temperature, the Payne effect of the crosslinked system decreases, while the Payne effect of the uncrosslinked system gradually increases or first decreases and then increases. With increasing vulcanization time, the Payne effect for both crosslinked and uncrosslinked systems increases, but the mechanisms are different, which can be ascribed to the formation of chemical crosslinked network for crosslinked system, but the flocculation of fillers for the uncrosslinked system. The flocculation kinetics study of fillers shows that fast flocculation occurs in a short time range, and then changes to slow but will not stop over a long period of time, and the flocculation still occurs even at lower temperatures(60 ℃). In addition, high temperature and prolonged heat-treatment resulted in a decrease in the tensile properties of the material, but an enhancement of the dynamic fatigue properties.

Key words: Filler flocculation, Isoprene rubber, Vulcanization temperature, Carbon black

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