Chem. J. Chinese Universities ›› 2016, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (8): 1435.doi: 10.7503/cjcu20160082
• Analytical Chemistry • Previous Articles Next Articles
FANG Xiaoxing, ZHENG Ji, YAN Guiqin*
YAN Guiqin
CLC Number:
FANG Xiaoxing,ZHENG Ji,YAN Guiqin. Detection of Cefoperazone Sodium and Sulbactam Sodium in Biological Fluid by Quantum Dots Room Temperature Phosphorescence Probe†[J]. Chem. J. Chinese Universities, 2016, 37(8): 1435.
Fig.1 TEM image(A), XRD pattern(B), zeta potential diagram(C) and the excitation spectrum(a) with phosphorescence emission spectrum(b) of MPA-Mn/ZnS QDs(D) QDs: 40 mg/L; PBS buffer: 20 mmol/L; pH=6.0.
Fig.3 CPZ-SBT concentration-dependent RTP emission of the QDs(A) and the variation of ΔP(P0-P) as a function of CPZ-SBT QDs: 40 mg/L; CPZ-SBT: 84 μg/L; PBS: 20 mmol/L, pH=6.0.
Substance | Method | Detection range/(g·L-1) | LOD/(μg·L-1) | Reference |
CPZ | HPLC | 1.5×10-2—2.7 | 0.408 | [ |
SBT | HPLC | 1.4×10-2—2.7 | 1.96 | [ |
CPZ | RP-HPLC | 4.9×10-2—0.49 | 1.0 | [ |
SBT | RP-HPLC | 2.4×10-2—0.24 | 2.0 | [ |
CPZ | UPLC | 20.66—154.95 | 2.31 | [ |
SBT | UPLC | 20.96—152.18 | 6.22 | [ |
CPZ-SBT | Fluorescence | 8.0×10-6—1.0×10-4 | 0.10 | [ |
CPZ-SBT | Phosphorescent | 7.0×10-7—8.4×10-5 | 0.14 | This method |
Table 1 Different analytical techniques reported for detection of CPZ-SBT
Substance | Method | Detection range/(g·L-1) | LOD/(μg·L-1) | Reference |
CPZ | HPLC | 1.5×10-2—2.7 | 0.408 | [ |
SBT | HPLC | 1.4×10-2—2.7 | 1.96 | [ |
CPZ | RP-HPLC | 4.9×10-2—0.49 | 1.0 | [ |
SBT | RP-HPLC | 2.4×10-2—0.24 | 2.0 | [ |
CPZ | UPLC | 20.66—154.95 | 2.31 | [ |
SBT | UPLC | 20.96—152.18 | 6.22 | [ |
CPZ-SBT | Fluorescence | 8.0×10-6—1.0×10-4 | 0.10 | [ |
CPZ-SBT | Phosphorescent | 7.0×10-7—8.4×10-5 | 0.14 | This method |
Fig.4 Temperature-dependent response of P0/P to CPZ-SBT(A) and UV-Vis spectra of CPZ-SBT with emission spectra of QDs(B) QDs: 40 mg/L; CPZ-SBT: 84 μg/L. (B) a. CPZ-SBT; b. QDs.
Fig.5 Fluorescence(A), UV-Vis absorption(B), RLS of QDs-CPZ-SBT(C) spectra and changes of QDs-CPZ-SBT RLS after addition of NaCl(D)(QDs, 40 mg/L; CPZ-SBT, 84 μg/L) (A) a. CPZ-SBT; b. QDs; c. QDs-CPZ-SBT(QDs: 40 mg/L; CPZ-SBT: 84 μg/L); (B) a. CPZ-SBT; b. QDs; c. QDs-CPZ-SBT(QDs: 40 mg/L; CPZ-SBT: 42 μg/L); d. QDs-CPZ-SBT(QDs: 40 mg/L; CPZ-SBT: 84 μg/L); (C) QDs: 40 mg/L; concentration of CPZ-SBT/(μg·L-1): 0, 14, 28, 42, 56, 84; (D) QDs: 40 mg/L; CPZ-SBT: 84 μg/L; NaCl: 0.04, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30 mol/L.
Co-existing substance | Tolerance ratio | Change of RTP intensity(%) | Co-existing substance | Tolerance ratio | Change of RTP intensity(%) |
Na+ | 200 | 1.7 | Serine | 300 | 1.6 |
K+ | 200 | -3.1 | L-Gly | 200 | 3.3 |
Ca2+ | 150 | 1.7 | L-Cys | 150 | -1.9 |
Mg2+ | 100 | -2.8 | Glucose | 100 | 2.6 |
Table 2 Tolerance of foreign substances
Co-existing substance | Tolerance ratio | Change of RTP intensity(%) | Co-existing substance | Tolerance ratio | Change of RTP intensity(%) |
Na+ | 200 | 1.7 | Serine | 300 | 1.6 |
K+ | 200 | -3.1 | L-Gly | 200 | 3.3 |
Ca2+ | 150 | 1.7 | L-Cys | 150 | -1.9 |
Mg2+ | 100 | -2.8 | Glucose | 100 | 2.6 |
Sample | Added/(μg·L-1) | Found/(μg·L-1) | Recovery(%) | RSD(%)(n=3) |
Human serum | 5 | 4.6 | 95.3±2 | 2.78 |
10 | 10.3 | 101.5±1 | 1.09 | |
Human urine | 5 | 5.2 | 103.7±4 | 1.96 |
10 | 9.8 | 97.4±2 | 2.89 |
Table 3 Detection of CPZ-SBT in real samples(n=3)
Sample | Added/(μg·L-1) | Found/(μg·L-1) | Recovery(%) | RSD(%)(n=3) |
Human serum | 5 | 4.6 | 95.3±2 | 2.78 |
10 | 10.3 | 101.5±1 | 1.09 | |
Human urine | 5 | 5.2 | 103.7±4 | 1.96 |
10 | 9.8 | 97.4±2 | 2.89 |
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