Chem. J. Chinese Universities ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (7): 1345.doi: 10.7503/cjcu20190032
• Article: Inorganic Chemistry • Previous Articles Next Articles
FENG Wei1, WANG Bowei2, JIANG Yang1, LI Longyun1,*()
LI Longyun
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FENG Wei,WANG Bowei,JIANG Yang,LI Longyun. Design, Preparation and Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering(SERS) Spectrum of Single Ag Nanodot†[J]. Chem. J. Chinese Universities, 2019, 40(7): 1345.
Fig.1 SEM images of the silver nanodots(A) Ag deposition thickness 25 nm, etching time 60 min; (B) Ag deposition thickness 50 nm, etching time 30 min;(C) Ag deposition thickness 100 nm, etching time 40 min; (D) Ag deposition thickness 200 nm etching time 50 min.
Fig.5 SERS spectrum of rhodamine 6G monolayer on a single Ag nanodotWith 5-bilayer films of PSS/PDDA as the spacer on the Ag nanodots array, the outer layer is modified by PSS-TRITC, accumulation time is 10 s, single scan, excitation at 514.5 nm, 0.6 mW.
Fig.6 UV-Vis absorption(a) and fluorescence emission(b) of R6G(A) and PSS-TRITC(B) and UV-Vis absorption of PSS-TRITC(a) and fluorescence emission(b) of R6G(C)All the emission spectra are excited at 515 nm.
Fig.7 SERS spectra of rhodamine 6G monolayer on a single Ag nanoparticlea. Ag+[PDDA/PSS]5+PSS-R6G; b. Ag+[PDDA/PSS]5+PSS-R6G+R6G; c. Ag+[PDDA/PSS]5+PSS-R6G. Five bilayer films as spacer on the Ag nanodots array, accumulation time is 10 s, single scan, excitation at 514.5 nm, 0.6 mW. The outer layer is modified by PSS-TRITC but with dropping R6G sample (a), the outer layer is modified by PSS-TRITC, and followed by dropping R6G sample (b) and the outer layer is modified by PSS and followed by dropping the R6G sample(c).
Fig.8 Raman spectrum of pyridineExcited at 514.5 nm, the laser power is 3.93 mW, 10 s, single scan. It is recorded to calculate the enhancement factor of the single Ag nanodot.
Fig.9 Raman spectrum of thiol benzeneExcited at 514.5 nm, the laser power is 5.03 mW, 10 s, single scan. It is recorded to calculate the enhancement factor of the single Ag nanodot.
Probe | Raman shift/cm-1 | GSERS |
Pyridine | 1006 | 5.83×106 |
Pyridine | 1035 | 6.95×106 |
Benzenethiol | 418 | 2.05×106 |
Benzenethiol | 998 | 1.89×106 |
Benzenethiol | 1021 | 2.26×106 |
Benzenethiol | 1573 | 6.51×106 |
Table 1 Raman enhancement factor of Ag nanoparticle(λex=514.5 nm)
Probe | Raman shift/cm-1 | GSERS |
Pyridine | 1006 | 5.83×106 |
Pyridine | 1035 | 6.95×106 |
Benzenethiol | 418 | 2.05×106 |
Benzenethiol | 998 | 1.89×106 |
Benzenethiol | 1021 | 2.26×106 |
Benzenethiol | 1573 | 6.51×106 |
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