Chem. J. Chinese Universities ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (10): 2241.doi: 10.7503/cjcu20190221
• Polymer Chemistry • Previous Articles Next Articles
WANG Qianqian1,YIN Luping1,GU Fang1,*(),WANG Haijun1,2,*()
GU Fang,WANG Haijun;
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WANG Qianqian,YIN Luping,GU Fang,WANG Haijun. Monte Carlo Simulation on the Semi-batch Process in the Self-condensing Vinyl Polymerization System in the Presence of Core Initiators [J]. Chem. J. Chinese Universities, 2019, 40(10): 2241.
Fig.2 Plots of Mw(A), Mwc(B), MwT(C) and PI(D) against x in the case of feeding core initiators at conversions of 0(a, batch), 0.2(b), 0.4(c), 0.6(d) and 0.8(e) N=105, α=0.05, f=4.
Fig.3 Plots of PI against f in the case of feeding core initiators of functionality f at conversions of 0(a, batch), 0.2(b), 0.4(c), 0.6(d) and 0.8(e) N=105, α=0.05.
Fig.4 Plots of MwT(A) and PI(B) against conversion x with the mode of equal feeding inimers N=105, α=0.05, f=4. a. 5 times feeding; b. 50 times feeding; c. batch(theory).
Fig.5 Plots of MwT(A) and PI(B) against conversion x with the mode of compensatory feeding inimers N=105, α=0.05, f=4. a. 5 times feeding; b. 50 times feeding; c. batch(theory).
Fig.6 Plots of MwT(A) and PI(B) against conversion x with the mode of equal feeding inimers and initiatons N=105, α=0.05, f=4. a. 5 times feeding; b. 50 times feeding; c. batch(theory).
Fig.7 Plots of MwT(A) and PI(B) against conversion x with the mode of compensatory feeding inimers and initiators N=105, α=0.05, f=4. a. 5 times feeding; b. 50 times feeding; c. batch(theory).
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