Chem. J. Chinese Universities ›› 1987, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (4): 301.

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Studies on the Solubility and the Isothermal Evaporation Process in the Quinary System Li, Na, K, Mg/Cl-H2O at 25℃

Zhang Fengxing, Guo Zhizhen, Chen Peiheng, Ma Jinhua, Chen Yunsheng   

  1. Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Xi' an
  • Received:1985-11-07 Online:1987-04-24 Published:1987-04-24

Abstract: The phase diagram of the title quinary system at 25℃ has been constructed for the first time. There are five crystallization surfaces corresponding to the eutectic solutions saturated with NaCl and KCl, LiCl·H2O, MgCl2·6H2O, Li-Carnallite and K-Carnallite respectively;the monovariant lines. P3T1(corresponding to NaCl+ KCl+ K-Carnallite), E5T1(NaCl+ KCl+LiCl·H2O ), E4P(NaCl+K-Carnallite+MgCl2·6H2O), PT2( NaCl+K-Carnallite+ Li-Carnallite), T1T2( NaCl+K-Carnallite+LiCl·H2O), P2P( NaCl+MgCl2·6H2O+Li-Carna-llite), E3T2(NaCl+Li-Carnallitc+LiCl·H2O), E1T1( KCl+LiCl·H2O+K-Car-nallitc), E2T2(LiCl·H2O+Li-Carnallite+ K-Carnallite), P1P( MgCl2·6H2O+ Li-Carnallite+K-Carnallite), respcctivoly; and three quinary invariant points: T1, T2, Pcorresponding to the solutions saturated with LiCl·H2O+NaCl+KCl+ K-Carnallitc, LiCl·H2O+NaCl+Li-Carnallite+ K-Carnallite and Nacl+ MgCl2·6H2O+Li-Carnallite+ K-Carnallite.The results of studying the isothermal evaporation of mixtures showed that there was not any metastable solid phase occurring in the system and the supersaturation phenomena were unconsidcred.
